Private Pilates Session with a Trainee Instructor

Booking a private Pilates session with one of our trainee instructors at Espace Pilates is an excellent way to experience personalized Pilates instruction at a great rate. These instructors are currently enrolled in the REAL Pilates Teacher Training program, having completed more than half of their rigorous training. They bring a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to their teaching, ensuring that you receive a high-quality workout.

These sessions are ideal for clients who have no medical or movement restrictions, as our trainee instructors are still developing their ability to modify exercises for specific conditions. They are eager to apply their growing knowledge and help you achieve your fitness goals, providing a dynamic and effective Pilates experience.

Choosing to work with a trainee instructor means being part of their learning journey, where your participation helps shape their skills as future Pilates professionals. While these instructors are still in training, they have a solid foundation in classical Pilates principles and are committed to delivering sessions that leave you feeling stronger, more flexible, and energized.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, training with a trainee instructor in the REAL Pilates Teacher Training program is a great way to deepen your practice while supporting the development of the next generation of Pilates teachers. You’ll benefit from their enthusiasm and dedication, all while advancing your own fitness journey in a supportive and personalized setting.

Private Pilates Session with a Trainee Instructor

(55 minutes)

One-on-one instruction with Real Pilates teacher Training trainees. If you have any restrictions, choose a private with a fully certified instructor (e.g. scoliosis, herniated disks, neck problems, joint restrictions or pain and pregnancy after the first trimester).

Reserve a private session with a Trainee Instructor

Real Pilates Trainee Rates*

À la carte

(Aug Test-Out -Sept-Oct-Nov or until the pass their final test out)


  • *Only available during the Teacher Training Period.
  • Prices don’t include GST and QST.
  • Please note the studio’s 24-hour cancellation policy.