Private Pilates Session with a Trainee Instructor

The full experience of the private session on all apparatus. Trainees must successfully complete their first-level test-out to be on the schedule. Note, if you have injuries or restrictions please book with one of our fully certified instructors instead.

Private Pilates Session with a Trainee Instructor

(55 minutes)

One-on-one instruction with Real Pilates teacher Training trainees. If you have any restrictions, choose a private with a fully certified instructor (e.g. scoliosis, herniated disks, neck problems, joint restrictions or pain and pregnancy after the first trimester).

Reserve a private session with a Trainee Instructor

Real Pilates Trainee Rates*

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  • *Only available during the Teacher Training Period.
  • Prices don’t include GST and QST.
  • Please note the studio’s 24-hour cancellation policy.